Instructions for downloading digital longarm design files. 

Digital longarm designs can be used on computerized longarm machines.  Paper formats are not provided.  Digital formats in the Zip file includes the following machine formats in the download file (BQM, DXF, HQF, IQP, PAT, PLT, QCC, QLI, SSD, WMF, TXT).

Before using the downloaded files, you'll need to unzip/decompress the folder on your computer.  For example, Windows users will see a "Compressed (zipped) Folder" Type in Windows File Explorer.  Right Click with your mouse and then select "Extract All" to unzip/decompress the files.  The files will be stored in a new folder and the Type will show "File Folder" in Windows File Explorer.  The files can then be copied to your longarm using a USB Flash Drive from the decompressed folder.